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Youtube: D-Zugwagen der DR von BlueBrixx

Youtube: D-Zugwagen der DR von BlueBrixx

Published on 13.06.2019

Heute hat Marco wieder einen Personenwagen dabei - einen D-Zugwagen der Deutschen Reichsbahn. Dieser Ganzstahlwagen der Bauart 28 wurde ab den 30er-Jahren produziert und fuhr lange auf deutschen Gleisen.

Das Noppenstein-Modell mit 287 Teilen besitzt Sitzplätze für Passagiere und viele andere Details, die seinem historischen Vorbild nachempfunden sind.

Das Video auf Youtube:

Youtube: D-Zugwagen der DR von BlueBrixx

Advanced Search function implemented - more features on!

Advanced Search function implemented - more features on!

Published on 12.06.2019

Are you looking for Xingbao sets in the 10-30 Euro price range? Or architecture sets with over 2,000 parts? Or even Cobi sets with the keyword "Panzer", 250-500 parts and a price of up to 30 Euro?

Such complex search queries can now be carried out very easily with our advanced search function! You can enter as many factors as you like such as keyword, brand, categories, parts and price and have the results displayed very conveniently. This is what the search field looks like:

Adcanced search on

You will find the advanced search button at the top right of our website, between the buttons "assortment" and "shopping cart". Have fun browsing!

Youtube: SdKfz 250-9 by BlueBrixx

Youtube: SdKfz 250-9 by BlueBrixx

Published on 07.06.2019

The SdKfz 250-9 was a light infantry fighting vehicle of the German Wehrmacht. The half-track vehicle was armed with a 2-cm combat vehicle gun and an MG 34. Marco introduces the model designed by CustomBricks and as always has some background information to offer. Also the construction of the Noppenstein model with its 398 parts is illuminated exactly. Does this model also have an interior?

At the beginning of the video Marco explains the special car numbers of the Wehrmacht. Part 1 of these explanations can be found in the SdKfz 10 video!

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: SdKfz 250-9 by BlueBrixx

New Cobi sets have arrived - the battleships Yamato and Musashi are docking in BlueBrixx Harbour!

New Cobi sets have arrived - the battleships Yamato and Musashi are docking in BlueBrixx Harbour!

Published on 06.06.2019

The silhouettes of mighty ships appear on the horizon: The Yamato and her sister ship Musashi were the flagships of the Imperial Japanese Navy in World War II. Cobi has now released both models in 1:300 scale, matching the Bismarck, Tirpitz or Warspite by Cobi. The Yamato has 2,500 parts, her sister ship with slightly reduced secondary armament consists of 2,430 parts. Both ships are 90 centimeters long.

And there are more novelties from Cobi: The Boeing 777X, the Trabant 601 with caravan, the A7V assault tank, a new version of the Tiger main battle tank and a Ford ambulance vehicle have also arrived.

Yamato by Cobi

Youtube: SdKfz 10 with PaK 36 by BlueBrixx

Youtube: SdKfz 10 with PaK 36 by BlueBrixx

Published on 05.06.2019

Today Marco provides some background information to the special vehicles of the German Wehrmacht and their numbering. Divided into different areas, all German military vehicles had such SdKfz numbers.

Our newest model from the CustomBricks design forge belongs to the so-called towing vehicles (SdKfz 1-100). The SdKfz 10 was a light and fast half-track vehicle that could pull small artillery guns and transport the gun crew. Our set comes with one such gun, the PaK 36.

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: SdKfz 10 with PaK 36 by BlueBrixx

Youtube: Classic passenger cars by BlueBrixx

Youtube: Classic passenger cars by BlueBrixx

Published on 04.06.2019

We start a journey back in time to a period when train conductors still had to climb along the outside of passenger cars: Marco presents two classic compartment cars that were built and used around 1910 in Prussia and other German regions. As usual, he has a lot to tell about the brick models and their historical role models.

One variant of the car has a brakeman's cab, as was common at the train's end at the time, the other variant is built without a brakeman's cab.

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: Classic passenger car

Youtube: Tank III by BlueBrixx

Youtube: Tank III by BlueBrixx

Published on 31.05.2019

It's another military-historical hour in our Brick Studio: Marco presents the Tank III, a medium combat vehicle of the German Wehrmacht. It was more than twice as heavy as its predecessor Tank II and much better armed. Hardly available at the beginning of the war, it was the most important German tank in 1941 and 1942.

Besides some data and facts about the historical model, Marco also discusses the brick model itself. He talks about construction techniques, the tank chains and the sticker sheet that comes with each model.

From 8:32, Sturmgeschütz III, the best-known variant of the Tank III, is brought into the picture, which was produced twice as often and shot down considerably more enemy tanks during the war.

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: Tank III by BlueBrixx

Youtube: Zhong Hua Street 2 & Original City 1 by Xingbao @ BlueBrixx

Youtube: Zhong Hua Street 2 & Original City 1 by Xingbao @ BlueBrixx

Published on 29.05.2019

Our logistic expert Michael is a hard-working master builder who has already set up many different sets. He especially likes to build modular buildings, but does he also like houses on a smaller scale?

Today Klaus and Michael are on their way in two streets - a classic Asian street and a modern western street. There's a lot to discover there!

Michael built two Xingbao sets of 4 buildings each and brought them with him. In spite of the small scale, well below the minifigure scale, the houses are full of details both inside and out. Together they form small but nicee street dioramas. The first place Klaus and Michael visit is the Asian Zhong Hua Street, from 8:44 on they wander through the Original City.

The Zhong Hua Street Set 2 has a total of 1502 parts, the Original City Set 1 has 1079 parts. We offer the streets as combination sets with all four buildings.

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: Zhong Hua Street 2 & Original City 1 von Xingbao @ BlueBrixx

Youtube: Tank II by BlueBrixx

Youtube: Tank II by BlueBrixx

Published on 28.05.2019

In our Brick Studio we regularly show new sets, but this time there are also news about the studio itself to announce: The acoustics of the room have been significantly improved with large curtains. Another studio light illuminates the background better, so that it's easier to spot some hidden prototypes.

Today Marco presents the Tank II of the German Wehrmacht, a light tank combat vehicle developed in the 1930s. Until it was replaced by Tank III, it formed the backbone of German tank units. As always, Marco has a lot to tell about the historical counterpart and the model itself.

The model with 439 parts was developed by CustomBricks and produced by us from our bricks. In our shop you will find even more models from our cooperation with CustomBricks, from trucks to tanks.

The video on Youtube:

Youtube: Tank II by BlueBrixx

New menu bar available - more features on!

New menu bar available - more features on!

Published on 27.05.2019

The assortment in our shop grows and grows - now we have more than 15 brick brands on offer! Not to forget our own brand BlueBrixx Specials with more than 100 articles.

We have programmed a new menu so that this product quantity can be navigated easily. It offers direct links to the theme worlds of the BlueBrixx Specials, to the products of individual brands and to themes such as technic or architecture. And this is what it looks like:

BlueBrixx website menu


The menu will automatically appear on the left if there is enough free space. You can remove it by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the menu. Of course you can also bring the menu back or show it if it doesn't appear automatically. To do this, simply click on the "Assortment" button at the top right, right next to the newsletter and shopping cart buttons. Here we have marked it for you:

BlueBrixx website menu button marked


We wish you a lot of fun while browsing!