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Building Blocks Blog

BlueBrixx Pro Kids sets - available now!

BlueBrixx Pro Kids sets - available now!

Published on 06.10.2023

Mid August we revealed our plans about our new BlueBrixx mini figures. We have revealed that we will have licensed sets coming with figures in 2024 but before that we do have a kids line coming in our BlueBrixx Pro series, produced together with QMan. Now the first about 30 sets of that line are available to be found in our shop here: BlueBrixx Pro → Kids. Here you find a short introduction to the various series in the kids line:

Kyanite Squad

Kyanite Squad: Exploration Base

Kyanite Squad is an organistation mining the valuable kyanite crystals that can be used for various things. Employing specialists all around the globe to do the dangerous work in remote areas. zum Abbau des wertvollen Kristall Kyanite, der sich vielfältig einsetzen lässt und für den Abbau in gefährlichen Gebieten absolute Spezialisten erfordert. Equipped with probing vehicles, movile laboratory, kyanite gathere, transport helicopter and exploration base they are trying to find and mine this mineral.

Kyanite Squad: Deep Sea Mission

Kyanite Squad: Kyanite HQ Boot

Kyanite Squad is not just exploring the dry land but also the deep sea. The deep sea mission specialists do mine the crystals under water as well. From their Kyanite HQ Boat they do start missions with survey gliders, mini mining subs, explorer sub or the mighty titan drill.

Forest Police

Forest Police: Flying Police Headquarter

The forest police keeps the jungle, swamps, forests and rain forests save. The police officers are always on the chase for poachers, hunters and illegal lumbering to get them behind bars and protect the wilf life and nature. Their big head quarters allow them to send out special forces to rescue panda bears, tigers and other wild animals needing protection from bad actors.

City Police

City Police: Police Station

Not just the jungle but the concrete jungle does ned peace keeping and safe guarding by police officers. Starting from their big city head quarters they patrol the city in police cars and boats to prevent any heist in planning or progress.

City Fire Rescue/h2>

City Fire Rescue: Fire Station

While the police keeps the citizens save from bad actors the fire department keeps them save from fires and other natural desasters. Starting from the fire station the brave fire fighters will deal with any fire from a small news agent catching fire to major fire operations in high rises. They are also equipped for duty off shore and in the forests in the hinterlands.

Princess Leah

Princess Leah: Summer Palace

Many fairy tales begin with "A long time ago in a far away land...". And just like in a fairy tale is the life of Princess Leah and her court. Reigning over the land from the royal palace, spending the summers in the summer palace and visiting the royal library and academy to study. For relaxtion visiting the castle gardens or sailing the rivers is always a good idea.


Cherry: Holiday Villa

Cherry is all about having a nice and relaxing vacation: The holiday villa is the ideal place to start from for a day at the beach. Passing the lifeguard station, you can set up camp at the beach and spend the night under the stars after a nice meal in the nearby seafood restaurant. If you are more in for water fun without sand between the toes, you can head over to Sunshine water park in your camper van instead.