771 PCS
Donnerbüchse Passenger Car 1st/2nd/3rd Class 3 in 1 Set (8w)
This is a "3 in 1 set" with which only one wagon can be built. If you want to have all three wagons, you have to buy the set multiple times.
The set contains "Flat Silver" elements, pigments are added to these colours which form stripes during moulding.
BRIX - the BlueBrixx Specials train system
Marque: BRIX
N° fabricant: 107454
De Pascal
Articles associés:
532 PCS
Baby, Standard, Mini, Diamond, JEKCA Sculptor
Attention! Ne convient pas à des enfants de moins de 3 ans, contient de petites pièces. Risque d\'étouffement!
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